In a strange town, the boy and his family are the new residents of the town, but they find that the neighbors have been cold to the new residents. In order to get a foothold in town and attract attention, players help the boy make trouble in all kinds of "out of line" ways.
Jellyfish Smasher
Water Runner
Watermelon Merge 4
Hippo Wedding Party
Gravity Russian Tumbler Toy
Kids Dentist Asmr Salon
Fun Rope Unroll
Mysterious Colors
Save The Dry Tree
Worlds Hardest Traffic Box
Cute Penguen
Merge Master Dinosaur Fusion
Park the Beetle
Flower Fairy Makeover
Monster Truck Crush
Drift Challenge
Save The Galaxy Online Game
Endless Cat Climb
Racoon Headball
FZ Rabid Rabbit
Pou Caring For Kid
Minecraft Zombie Survial
Orbital Pixel
Smash All Ants
In The Path
Talking Tom in Laboratory
Reach Fifty
Monster Hero
Coloring Games: Among Us